
  • Exhibit a sincere desire to stay clean and sober.
  • Commit to 3 - 6 months in our residency program.
  • Attend 12-step meetings.
    • Each resident must be working a 12-step program. This includes active step-work, frequent contact with a local sponsor, and helping others to recover.
    • Each resident must attend a minimum of four 12-step meetings per week.
  • Employment is an essential element of recovery. Each resident is expected to work 40 hours per week.
    • The house is self-supporting financially.  Our fees are all-inclusive and offset general housing expenses, utilities, internet, TV, phone, and meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner)
  • Residents are subject to random drug and alcohol testing,
  • Independent living skills.
    • Residents share weekly housekeeping responsibilities: cooking, cleaning, trash, and yard work.


  • Drugs, alcohol, and any form of mind-altering chemicals are prohibited.
  • Disruptive or insubordinate behavior is prohibited.
  • Energy drinks or highly caffeinated supplements
  • Sex offenders or persons requiring narcotic  (Suboxone) or antipsychotic (schizophrenia) medications