Recommended Packing List:

Each resident has ample closet space and room to store their personal items [approx. 8 feet]. Bath Towels, bedding, hangers & laundry basket are furnished.

-    4-5 changes of socks, underwear, undershirts, polo style shirts, t-shirts, jeans or shorts

-    2-3 pairs of shoes- athletic, loafer or dress and casual for everyday use

-    Toiletries - razors, shaving cream, soap, deodorant, shampoo, cologne and tooth paste

-    Cell phone and charger, personal computer and electronics 

-    30-day supply of all prescribed medication (No narcotic medications)

-    State issued ID, social security card, birth certificate and insurance cards

-    Optional: Reading material (Bible, devotionals, books etc.)

The following items are not allowed:

-    Mouthwash that contains alcohol

-    Energy Drinks & Highly Caffeinated Supplements

-   Weapons of any kind (including pocket knives)

-   Inappropriate material